I'm mostly on DeviantART, and randomly post animations here when I make them!



Joined on 9/8/05

Exp Points:
950 / 1,110
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5.20 votes
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> 100,000
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HELL YEAH! Glad you sticking around. Go Stubbornness!

HAHAHA! That's the spirit. Ya can't let people bring you down. Giving lets them have the pleasure of winning. Even if ya don't show them off, you at least don't give 'em the satisfaction and pleasure of being right....or winning...or whatever you wish to call it. Good Job in deciding to stay around. Besides there are billions of people around, Millions in countries, thousands in the internet, and hundreds in newgrounds. They all have different tastes, and with such a large population there's bound to be many that love your work (hell you have a video in the front page). So keep fighting and never give up. :D


great your back can i have money

I is still postin comments on you webpage! GRAOOO! errr....i mean MARINES!!! Aw crap....i still need to doodle that picture! I just got something to do during school tomorrow


I am really glad to see that you have taken that stance. There are a lot of....well jerks here on Newgrounds. It happens a lot. I think part of the reason you got flamed is because your female and believe me you aren't the first and probably won't be the last animator/voice actor with talent to get flamed here for that reason. You did a great job with your work and from the looks of what what I saw on your Deviant Art page you could hang with the best animators on this site with your abilities. Great job on your work. As for a microphone, I have no idea what typical animators use. If you want a decent mic that doesn't break the bank you can go with this logitec one that has had great reviews:
<a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836111601">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product .aspx?Item=N82E16836111601</a>

If your looking for some thing a tad more professional. What I'd do is look up some of the regular animators here on newgrounds and send them a message asking what they use. I am sure they'd be happy to share :)

Glad to hear the good news. i look forward to your future submissions. ;-)

Well... it's pretty much obvious that you're good. I'd love to see further flashes from you. (english sin't my first language...)
And well we dudes have a HUGE disadvantage... we have a shorter lifespan :(
Btw I don't care wether ppl are male or female. To me these are nothing but accounts...

No more emo rants huh? Gonna miss those. Well anyway, welcome to the internets, we've got some lovely people here. Lookit those flamers over there for example. :3 Hmmm, n'yes quite... Anywho, all that junk aside. Thought your video was pretty good, the voice acting COULD do with some work though. Rather than just getting a different mic, I'd advise just putting some more heart into it; practice the lines some, try them on others until they feel natural coming out of your mouth. But a new mic'd be cool too. (b'-')b Keep doin' what your doin', best of luck.

After further review of a few more comments... Huh. Yeah okay, leave Newgrounds. Run while you can! D: Frolic back to the wonder that is DA! FREE YOURSELF! And HEY! :o Dudes ain't all bad. >.> It's just that 99% of us are horny pervs and around 86% are violent, overly macho, hubris machines. But where would the world be without us... Who would have invented the hamburger? Or ya'know, destroyed Rome? Or dropped nukes on innocents or... Huh... Gotta rethink my arguement... Maybe the world would be better off. XD

Haha do you know scientists have successfully created a sperm out of a female egg? Now females don't even need males to reproduce, you are obsolete! MWAHAHAHAH!
I don't think they should go forward with it though...playing god a biiiiit too much.

Perhaps that's what people were put here to do? :p Be vassals of the almighty. Or not, maybe we'll all burn in hell like they say. I personally believe I'll just find out when the end comes. On a not much lighter note! Males are indeed a dying breed in the human race. Male percentiles have been dropping very slowly over the centuries, we truly are becoming obsolete. Give it another, I dunno... 40,000 years and we'll be gone and females will either reproduce like mushrooms or sponges. Bet'cha. Five bucks, I'll see you there. Oh, I'm immortal, did I mention? :D Which'll make me the last male... >.> Hmmm... Suicide planned. 39,999 years from now.

Of course, we could just find the serum to immortality (my blooooood) and forget reproduction all together... Na. Mmk, self loving god rant over. Good day sir-er... Madam.

Even if they through the whole asexual reproduction idea, guys are still needed to balance things out in the world. Its like the philosophical concept of light and darkness- one cannot exist without the other cuz if darkness doesn't exist anymore, then chaos is meant to happen. That's what i think will happen if they go through with that idea, but then agian, that's just a rare nice, straight guy's opinion on the topic. And its awesome that you're sticking around ^^

never give up yourflash are awsome

Wow, how many people think your vids are all about furries?

Meh, delete whatever you want from your comments, most of us round here are like this in real life. Also, the mic you use is pretty bad, and the voice you do for Jessi is okay, but it semms kinda... slow in delivery. No offense, obviously. So, yeah keep doing what you're doing.

*obligatory sex pun here*

good of you not to give in :P Good luck in the future and i hope to see more animations

so im new at this um is jessi sum sort of funny demon cat or some thing cus it helps with the funny i wach a lot of anime so i now cros breads are funny in comidy and epic in battles(tell me dus my english suck)so is she if so thats coolXD

I am not too sure what it is you're asking me!
Do you mean like in 'Naruto' where some characters have demon animals inside them...?

well that wus fast

and almost you shud Watch Omamor and youl no wut i mean not in a perverdid way of cors

and im not a perv just becus i wach stuf like that it funny

Glad to see you're back :D
But I'm kind of sad...your submission's score dropped from 4.10/5.00 to 4.06/5.00 =(

I'm sad too...D8

uh.. no, not really

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