I'm mostly on DeviantART, and randomly post animations here when I make them!



Joined on 9/8/05

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you should watch rtil's Flash Comedy Extravaganza it talks about all that crap how every flash on newgrounds is basically video game parodies...and how some tv shows sux. either way its admireable to find people willing to make cartoons from scratch instead of making a half-a$$ed parody that has already been done on multiple ocasions

The best I can say about all of this is this: Ignore them, and keep doing your best. The only thing most of the people here do is just leave poorly constructed reviews, and inflate their already massive egos. And now, a cheesy, yet effective philosphy of mine: "You only follow one path, and that's the path you make." I watched "I Said NO!", and it was fantastic. By the end of this post, it will be in my favorites.

Now I gotta go sharpen my blade, and recall my repertoire of skills and magic to fend off the people that come at me with their egos.

Bah people like genderless-hooker are just kid who have no friend and the only thing there undeveloped brain can find to keep themself amused is to insult people on the internet so are you going to let these fools make you leave newgrounds while you have talent and loving fan ;)

Your "fans" are tasteless retards. It doesn't take a film school graduate to judge a movie, and same goes for your shit. If you're only getting crude comments instead of critique, it's probably because you're so all-around bad that it's a lost cause. Newgrounds THREATENS you to make constructive feedback, and if you really don't get any, it means you're so bad that the commenter feels above even bothering to put enough time in to write a paragraph of text. I've caught myself trying to leave a positive comment only to strike it down and leave a "fuck you you're so horrible get off the internet" reply instead.

I'll bet you're going to go to my page and assume "UGH TROLL HE DOESN'T UPLOAD ANYTHING." And you're right. I keep my artwork and projects away from this disparaging pit of 13-year-old filth and nihilism, mainly because nobody here can like anything that isn't dick jokes and animu. BUT I GUESS ANIMU TAKES SKILL OR SOMETHING.

you.........want to cure the internet of trolling? Good luck doing that, while you try doing that I'll work on getting a picture of Cthulhu doing a jig with Elvis Presley in Antarctica.

I'm sorry, I think you're still a great animator and I really did like your animation but....even acknowledging trolls makes them want to do it more and there simply isn't any sort of way to even slightly abate trolling on the internet. Even trolls get trolled on by other trolls in a vicious cycle of hate and stupidity. Don't get yourself mixed into this and simply just ignore it! It's not a great solution but it's better than egging them on with any sort of reply (because no matter how you reply, the troll will feel victorious for getting a reply at all). lol, as Scar's sensei said, "You must abide it!"

I'am truly sorry for the way some of the other users treated you, but there are always a few assholes(like the one this comment) trying to put great animates because they have neither the talent nor the skill to do what you do. Really hope that you submit more to Newgrounds in the future. On behalf of most Newgrounders and those who don't have a account sorry.
Always rooting for 'ya,

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
My World
A Love So Brand New
Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
Me Girl
A Feeling So True

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says . . .
"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly . . .
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
More Precious Than
Any Pearl
Your Love So Complete
Liberian Girl . . .
You Kiss Me Then,
Ooh, The World
You Do This To Me

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says,

"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"
(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
I Wait For The Day,
When You Have To Say
"I Do,"
And I'll Smile And Say It Too,
And Forever We'll Be True
I Love You, Liberian Girl,
All The Time

I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You
I Love You Baby
I Want You
I Love You Baby
Ooh! I Love You Baby, I Want
You Baby, Ooh!

I thought your cartoon was funny, but it could have used some more animation. However, I do agree with what Chainsaw Dentist has said. You'll never get proper critique there considering what Stamper said to Legendary Frog's WoW: When Gnomes Fly. I may be for good, original material, but it HAS to be good, otherwise it ends up in the shitpile. Hell, even Randy Solem is for originality, and he makes flash out of video game graphics (nothing wrong with that from my viewpoint). However, when people who claim to stand for originality support those who make purposely bad flash for attention and spite; they just rendered their position to criticize others invalid without looking stupid/hypocritical. Newgrounds users may not be the nicest people around, but at least we're honest, which I think is a boon to this site. Plus, I wouldn't use Family Guy characters in your anime-style flash for the following reasons:
1. It results in the styles clashing.
2. You'll piss off Family-Guy haters.
3. People will accuse you of being a hypocrite.
Truth is, I know the difference between a well-written critique (read some of Gel's reviews) from a braindead bash (what Notorious said about Egoraptor*).

*=If I have to hear him bitch about another cartoonist on here, I'll have the All Fads Die crew go after him.

sorry meant the ass hole at the very top XD

your great D: *hugs*

OMG please don't leave!! The haters just leave bad comments sothat they can make themselves feel cool and make others feel bad. please don't think that Newgrounds is full of bad people, because it's not. People submit all kinds of things here, from Rainbows and flowers and unicorns to the sun running out of steam to what is the speed of darkness to straight up pervertedness (yes i know that's not a word, but because i read a LOT [it's seriously crazy...my parents take away my library card...=.=], i tend to mak up words to suit my purposes XD). So all kinds of people join. Because their childhood was messed up, or they were just mean people from the beginning, they think it's just okay to hate people. And they hate people even more if they submit goo stuff. So don't think that getting bad comments is a bad thing, think of it that the more mean messages you get, the more people think your good. People they're just jealous people. don't let yourself feel down, 'kay? and don't think miserable. always think positive. Because words are powerful. If you have ever watched xxxHolic, you will know what i'm talking about. um...sorry it was a little long, but that's how much i want you to stay, okay? I Love you!!

P.S I have a friend named Lara McGrath XD

well i would never do that to a girl like you! (you're my type lol) anyway im a fan of ur stuff. most reciently "i said no" very funny. if it makes a diference i hope you stay.(i would miss a pretty face)

I made so many grammar mistakes...just ignore them okay? you will probably understand it. i was a little upset, that's why i rushed it a little....^-^' Gomen ne.

OMG i freakin love Big Bang Theory xD! Awesome :3. But yeah, we DO have a bunch of assholes. The main amount of people who are awesome in my opinion are the artists. Thats ANY artist whether it be pictures or animation or music or whatever. Im not saying that just the artists are cool either. We have cool non artists too but im pretty sure youre not going to run into too many asshole artists. Now I'm not sure if youll ever read this but if you do i suggest ya come back from your break soon. I like your animations. They're pretty refreshing actually. As much as i love what normally goes on in this sight its really good to see your form of art and humor. So... ya know. Come back soon. I want to see more animation :D.

You cheered up my day AND made me laugh. Don't listen to those mother *******! They're just trying to **** with your mind. Trust me, you've got talent, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

As my father once said: "Don't feed the trolls, kid" Trolls troll to be trolls. They have no life so they ruin yours.

Nah you should not leave and anyone that says something nasty you can just report them your animations are good but could use alot of work you have plenty of time to improve and its a plus too the more you improve the more jerks backs off.

:(. I'm sorry jerks ruined your experience. I really liked your latest animation, I hope eventually you give the website another shot.

Well I just wanted to say I truely love your flashes and i think you have a great mmind to create new charecters and ideas. dont take what other people say if you truely love this passioin then persue it. take it from me i like your flashes/ anime which is funny as anything XD

I have been a member of Newgrounds for awhile now and I must say that this is one of the best I have seen so far, I mean it's no Egoraptor but it was still a very well made flash and the front page is a high honor for animators so I must formally apologize on behalf of the people who's ego is to big to do it themselves, you see when a "new" animator hits the scene and makes front page easier than them they tend to get...jealous I truly enjoy your flash skills and beseech you to continue contributing to the newgrounds "community" as some would call it ^_^; well I'm truly sorry you got such a poor reception on the front, but they'll come around just like they did for the others, so again I'm sorry for the rowdiness of my site-mates ^_^; and I'm sure the haters will go away.

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