The best I can say about all of this is this: Ignore them, and keep doing your best. The only thing most of the people here do is just leave poorly constructed reviews, and inflate their already massive egos. And now, a cheesy, yet effective philosphy of mine: "You only follow one path, and that's the path you make." I watched "I Said NO!", and it was fantastic. By the end of this post, it will be in my favorites.
Now I gotta go sharpen my blade, and recall my repertoire of skills and magic to fend off the people that come at me with their egos.
you should watch rtil's Flash Comedy Extravaganza it talks about all that crap how every flash on newgrounds is basically video game parodies...and how some tv shows sux. either way its admireable to find people willing to make cartoons from scratch instead of making a half-a$$ed parody that has already been done on multiple ocasions