Hi guys! Was wondering if anyone wanted me to draw something for them?
$18 for a fully-coloured chibi on paper http://lovelykouga.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Riley-383395892 (or like the two latest in my gallery - I can even mail you the original!)
and $15 for a coloured digital anime drawing http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/049/6/1/hubba_bubba_by_lovelykouga-d5vcvxn.png
Paypal only
Stay classy! :3
Do you have a PayPal account? I'd rather send chibi money that way, than to sign up for another website :\
Oh yes I forgot to mention that, all payment is done through Paypal! You don't need to sign up to other websites haha