I find those cute jungle friends to be absolutely adorable.
I'm mostly on DeviantART, and randomly post animations here when I make them!
Joined on 9/8/05
I find those cute jungle friends to be absolutely adorable.
Aww thank you! I really like tigers - those were a concept for another children's book I was thinking of doing. It involved a grumpy tiger getting stuck in a tree and being laughed at by the jaguar all day, then the giraffe comes along and asks if the tiger needs any help. The tiger is too proud and embarrassed to accept, but does eventually. The message was basically 'don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it' ^^
Very nice. I also kinda dig the cute jungle friends.
Thanks so much, it means a lot! ;0;
Hahahah, if that's the story behind it then I should actually buy the merchandise just to wear it at work to remind me to stop being a prick and actually accept that I need a hand sometimes. Since I work at the zoo, it'd be even more fitting. Although it would say much that I needed a lesson from a CHILDREN'S book. We just don't have tigers at the zoo, but we do have jaguars and giraffes.
The giraffes are really cute, and surprisingly attracted to the smell of barbecue considering that they're herbivores.
Oh wow you actually work at a zoo?! That's...too awesome. ;0; Dude imagine you strutting around with the shirt on haha! Perfect.
Actually I find children's books/movies/media have really good lessons in them, for obvious reasons haha - very easy to understand. I still peruse my old books sometimes.
Those giraffes...have problems LOL
Like seriously wow
How do they like it done
Hey now you can make money and stuff.
Glad you're still posting here! It's been a while since you've posted any pages from the Tropic Mews saga here... any chance of that? Interesting tumblr question (and response)...