I'm mostly on DeviantART, and randomly post animations here when I make them!



Joined on 9/8/05

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950 / 1,110
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5.20 votes
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> 100,000
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your artwork is very good, your characters are adorible, and "I Said No" got an award, people love you, no matter what you do some people are gonna troll you over stupid crap, like drawing in anime... dont let it bother you! lol

Girl ive seen all your work here and I browsed through all your stuff on deviantart and I must say you are great and also good looking :D dont let idiots bring you down, look at the bright side which is that they cant do anything and therefore you are better then them. Ok not a good bright side but who cares :D just ignore them and be yourself and keep up the great work and your great looks :D
ow and did you say bbt and fg ? :D sweet :D

>///////> Thanks?
bbt and what?

i think you should make more because i think your videos are the funniest thing ever and deserve respect. you have my vote to keep on going.

this is kinda sad cuz you know that your animations and art is Awsome and super cute so donĀ“t stop!! making more :D

awww dont be like that..youll make me sad :( cus i am a guy and your cartoons are awesome, they are funny adn the voice actors are great! plus i like your drawing style ;D so dont worry youll make it just fine in newgrounds ;D

I checked out some of your stuff on DA. It was totally awesome and I hope you put some more stuff here eventually.
A beautiful mind put a big smile on my face and WTF? made me laugh for 3 minutes. Also SQUEE made me go nawwww!

XD Thanks for taking the time, as I'm there the majority of the time!
Jessi is...special...

You summed it up very well. There are a few of us Americans that can appriciate something besides what we get on our television when it comes to animation. However I think no matter who you are credit should be given where it's due. While I admit that some of your flashes aren't totally my cup of tea I can tell you work hard on them and it's something you seem to love to do. You shouldn't let what anyone on here (especially the people here on Newgrounds) talk down to you when it comes to your talents. I will fully admit I draw worth shit, and couldn't do half the things it takes to post something here. I say keep up your work. Even the most established animators can improve. I look forward to seeing more of your work :)

Haha yes I don't think many people know I'm all the way down in NEW ZEALAND for Pete's sakes...don't assume everyone on the internet is American 'cos boy howdy, no way! XD
Arrgh don't call anything you do' shit'! After all even if you don't like what you draw, doesn't mean someone else won't...which is my case entirely!

I can honestly say you are one of the two female artists I've found on this site.
You seem like a very nice person, and your flashes are funny.
So don't despair, you're a breath of fresh air, and you make people smile =)
Yes, the last part doesn't rhyme, but regardless =)

Are you serious!? Well no WONDER I've had some very...inappropriate PM's.
And you made me smile, thanks a million! :)

I believe that you have made an awesome work, and shouldn't be offended by some people who probably are just mean bevause they feel like, and don't have any real arguments about it.

If you come to Newgrounds expecting a well structured, supportive, nice community prepare to get your mind BOGGLED.

Newgrounds (right next to 4Chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica) is troll central, and by posting this your feeding them.

And if you can't handle it:

Turn tail and run back to Deviant art, forever. (Although I would not like to see a talented artist leave NG because of troll's.)

This advice comes out of love, not hate.

Haha that was my exact expectation, come to think of it. Call me naive but...it is what I thought.
But then again, in every community there's good and bad, all sorts!

No way I'm leaving now, that means they win. CX

Im new to this site, but i saw your flash anime and it was funny. Most people on the internet,(like everyone else said), are dumb, but was surpraised to see the show on the front page. I must say you are quite talanted. Sucks for me though that i cant even do doodles >~<. Well i wont bother ya much, came here for your support to be here. See you on the funny page.

Some people are just born to be dicks. -shrug-

And born with them, too.

Wow. I checked out your profile to see some more of your animations, then I read your post and thought to myself, "Sheesh, I wonder what some jerkoff did that would prompt her to post something like this.." I don't know you, but take the advice from a stranger and don't take it to heart. There are some very mean and cruel people that, like you said, take joy in destroying the confidence of others. I thought you draw and animate very well, and should continue to do so. I tire of the everyday spam postings of "artists", and I enjoy seeing a good flash like yours that exceeds the standard. Keep up the good work and the best of luck in your future animations.

It's more like jerkoff(s)...one I can handle, lol!
Thank you honey, I'll try my best to make you proud!

umm...ok, i took my time to do a constructive comment, i was insecure to leave a comment or don't, and i though, everybody is leaving nice messages, one more wouldn't be too much, but then i though that if everybody thought like that, you would have no comments at all, and i thought, even if i am one person, over more than one million people that happens to be here, it would be still helpfull...or that's what i think, the point is that, some people, dunno how to express themselfs, others have been desilusionated so many times, that they don't think everybody should be happy if thei're not, and there are even some people who thinks "hmm...this is gay...hehe..." and they don't apreciate the time you took to draw and do the animations, so what i say, is don't hate them, don't create more violence( i know you don't btw ^^) just ignore them, or even laught at it, but don't let that make you leave or destroy your confidence, hang on and show these people how wrong they are....well...im not that good expresing myself( as im not from U.S) but i hope that if you read this, you feel good and more confident about yourself, anyway, have a nice day :D

btw, i'd love to appear in one of your flashes( i suck at it, but i LOOOOve to make them, i hope to appear on frontpage someday :3) if you consider me, please PM me as i probably won't read if you respond here :s
well, that's it ^^

Oh honey no, the last thing I want is people thinking I'm...unapproachable or something. I read every single comment and review, so even if I don't reply please know I HAVE or WILL read it!
I'm deciding to take a rather back-seat approach to the haters. I do my best to ignore them and only sometimes do I reply to them. A lot try to tarnish my reputation and force a reaction out of me.
They know there's lots of kids on this site, but in my opinion the kids have far more manners than a lot of the regular older users (who use awful language in front of the kids, too!!!)

Thanks sweetie!

Great job girl you hav some talent. THis is the best piece of animation I've seen in a while especially for not being a video game parody or a fart joke ;p. Your mates were dead on in their support. Im addind you to my favs right now. You're too good to be let down by some jerks ;

Don't get me wrong, a LOT of those video game parodies are excellent, and obviously egoraptor is a genius. He has a way of delivering humor that can be funny to someone who has never even played the game. <3
I think people are in some way comparing me to him, and it makes me go...what?! You KIDDING me?! I can only hope to be as awesome as him!
Thanks sweetie for the support!

You should make stuff for the people who like your stuff, instead of not making it for the people who uhm... Don't. Anyway i'm a guy and I like your stuff.

That's a really good point, by not posting I'm letting the awful people win, and the nice people miss out.

Ok... this is something that i just had to leave a response for. And being lazy and all, ill do it in 1,2,3 format. lol.

1. I belive your flashes are awesome. So it got flamed? So WHAT?! Everything anime related gets flamed some way or another. It shouldnt get you down though, you have a lot of potential and i really want to see if you get to Egoraptor status... or something lol.

2. Leave Newgrounds... thats... well to me its a bad idea. To all your fans as well.

3. o.o Being sensitive is ok, but have you ever heard of the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."? Well thats exactly what your not doing. I mean your almost 20 right? You're acting like a kid pouting with this blog. Seriously i mean, CHIN UP! lol The comments shouldnt hurt to much. They're just words after all from people who dont know a decent flash when the see one.

4. I think im out of points now. lol... umm lets see here. Oh ya, the people who are being mean just for the sake of it are usually internet bugs that you should usually just shrug off. I mean when you get front page.. daily 2nd AND your a girl... i say you should have been suspecting something like this. o.o

Ok thats about it, and also i know how you say this place doesnt give support, but is that really true? Would you be in the front page if there wasnt support? or with Daily Second? or... w/e else there is. Anyways i think ive made my point. Please dont leave Newgrounds, dont let trolls depress you, and continue your flashes. =)

Haha well that's the thing, I'm extremely new to newgrounds and had no idea it was a male-domminated site. So when I just randomly uploaded this I really didn't even expect to get over 10 comments on it!
I guess my reaction was shock as well as hurt, but I was blind to the concept of actually having fans. It's still so...yes, but really really awesome! <3
Someone told me to rub the fact i got 2nd place in haters faces...god I tried it with like one comment then felt disgusted with myself.
I'll stay on newgrounds, if only to let some womanly influence rub off onto this place.


If no one else then, you at least got one hard core fn!!!!

[]runs off to make t-shirts and buttons[]

Hell YEAH I want a tee and buttons! XD

Oh I thought I should post again.

Get off this site.

You defiantly don't deserve to be on here if your animation gets a front page and you bitch about a small group of people who dislike it.

There are so many other flash artists who would love a front page, and would be so ecstatic to be recognized like that.

And here you stand, bitching about how not everyone likes your work. That's why you need to get to deviant art, where everyone kisses your ass and wouldn't dare give you criticism of any sort. Criticism, constructive or not, is part of being an artist. DeviantArt is the kind of site where you can get a bunch of people to pat your back for you. Where you can get a unrealistic self satisfaction. Think of Newgrounds as the real world. People type what they think, and type it whatever way the damn well please. If a SMALL amount of people who dislike your work comment, and you're leaving because of that, you're pathetic.

You got a front page for fucks sake.

Time to grow up a little, and shrug off the haters. But until you're emotionally secure enough to be able to do that, I recommend you stick to DeviantART.

You missed my point completely, honey.

I am NOT complaining that people 'don't like it'.
Because I fully understand people have different tastes from humor, genre and animation.

I was expressing my disgust at the people who are just plain mean for no reason.
Well, reasons being they're either jealous, bored, or just douchebags.
When people say 'I didn't like it 'cos it's anime', that's not an insult at all. That's their preference!
However, when people tell me to 'fuck off and go kill yourself', then, yeah, I get a little sad.
Isn't that normal?

You shouldn't listen to what those low-lifes says, what do they know about making great animation anyway? The style, the voice-acting, the graphics is great! It makes me happy and inspires me to start making a animation of my own.
I'd love so see more from you soon and hope those jerks didn't affect you to much.


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